
Identify Self

Day 5 | Personality

Our personality is shaped by our interests and reactions, forming a unique expression of who we are.

What Traits define me?

How do I describe myself?

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Ways to identify our personality

 Identifying your personality involves self-reflection, self-awareness, and sometimes seeking input from others. Here are steps to help you identify and understand your personality:

  1. Self-Reflection
  • Take time to think about your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
  • Consider your strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, and the qualities that make you unique.
  • Reflect on your past experiences and how they have shaped you.

2. Personality Tools

  • Consider taking personality assessments like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the Big Five Personality Traits, or the Enneagram. These assessments can provide insights into your personality traits, preferences, and tendencies.
  • Astrology can also serve as a useful personality tool, offering unique perspectives based on celestial influences at the time of your birth. Exploring your zodiac sign and its associated traits in systems like Western or Chinese astrology can complement other personality assessments.
  • Keep in mind that these assessments offer general descriptions and should be used as a starting point for self-discovery, not as definitive labels. Integrating insights from multiple tools allows for a more holistic understanding of your personality.

3. Ask for Feedback

  • Seek feedback from friends, family members, and colleagues. They may offer valuable insights into your personality traits and behaviors.
  • Be open to constructive criticism and different perspectives.

4. Journaling

5. Observe Your Reactions

  • Pay attention to how you react in various situations. Do you tend to be introverted or extroverted? How do you handle stress or conflict?
  • Notice your emotional responses and triggers.

6. Explore Your Interests

  • Your interests and hobbies can offer insights into your personality. What activities bring you joy and fulfillment? What do you enjoy learning about?
  • Consider how your interests align with different personality traits.

7. Consult with Professionals

  • If you have specific questions or concerns about your personality or behavior, consider seeking guidance from a therapist, counselor, or life coach. They can provide personalized insights and strategies for personal growth.

8. Be Patient

  • Self-discovery is an ongoing process. Your personality may evolve over time, and you may uncover new aspects of yourself as you gain life experiences.

Remember that personality is multifaceted and can't be easily categorized into a single label. Embrace the complexity of your personality, and use the information you gather to better understand yourself, make informed decisions, and work toward personal growth and self-improvement.

Lessons for when we dislike personalities

The idea that the qualities in others that we dislike can act as a mirror reflects the concept of projection and can be a valuable source of self-reflection and personal growth. Here are some lessons that can be learned from disliking certain qualities in others:

  1. Self-awareness: Disliking certain traits in others can be an opportunity to examine whether those traits resonate with something within ourselves. It prompts self-awareness and encourages us to explore our own attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs.

  2. Unresolved Issues: Often, the qualities we dislike in others may be a reflection of unresolved issues or insecurities within ourselves. Exploring the root cause of our discomfort can lead to personal insights and healing.

  3. Projection: The concept of projection suggests that we may unconsciously attribute our own undesirable qualities to others. Recognizing this tendency allows us to take responsibility for our own shortcomings rather than projecting them onto others.

  4. Values and Boundaries: Disliking certain behaviors or traits in others can be a signal that these qualities conflict with our values or boundaries. It prompts us to clarify our values and set healthy boundaries in our relationships.

  5. Empathy: Instead of immediate judgment, considering the reasons behind someone else's actions can foster empathy. It encourages us to see things from their perspective and understand the complexities of human behavior.

  6. Opportunity for Growth: Viewing the qualities we dislike in others as an opportunity for personal growth allows us to turn a negative experience into a positive one. It encourages us to work on our own shortcomings and develop a more compassionate outlook.

  7. Communication Skills: Disliking certain qualities may arise from misunderstandings or miscommunications. Improving our communication skills and seeking clarity can help bridge gaps and build better relationships.

  8. Acceptance: Learning to accept others with their flaws and imperfections can lead to a more harmonious and tolerant outlook. This acceptance can extend to ourselves as well, fostering self-love and understanding.

  9. Cultural Awareness: Sometimes, differences in behavior may be rooted in cultural or societal norms. Being open to understanding diverse perspectives can broaden our cultural awareness and tolerance.

  10. Constructive Feedback: If the qualities we dislike are negatively affecting our relationships, it provides an opportunity for offering constructive feedback. Communicating openly about our feelings can lead to mutual understanding and growth.

In essence, recognizing that the qualities we dislike in others can serve as a mirror invites us to turn inward, examine our own beliefs and behaviors, and use the experience as a catalyst for personal development and positive change.

Read My Natal Birth Chart


Astrology provides a comprehensive view of personality and life path through various astrological elements, including:

  1. Sun Sign: Your sun sign is determined by the position of the sun at the time of your birth and represents your core essence and ego. It's associated with your fundamental personality traits. For example, if you're a Leo sun, you might exhibit qualities such as confidence, creativity, and leadership.
  2. Moon Sign: Your moon sign is connected to your emotions, instincts, and inner self. It reflects your emotional responses, needs, and how you process feelings. Understanding your moon sign can provide insights into your emotional nature. For instance, a Cancer moon might indicate a strong need for security and nurturing.

  3. Rising (Ascendant) Sign: Your rising sign, or ascendant, represents the mask you wear when interacting with the world. It influences your outward appearance, behavior, and the first impression you make on others. It can give insights into your approach to life and how others perceive you.

  4. Planets: The positions of the planets at your time of birth also play a significant role in your astrological profile. Each planet represents specific aspects of your personality and life. For example:

    • Mercury: Communication, intellect, and how you process information.
    • Venus: Love, relationships, and your sense of beauty and aesthetics.
    • Mars: Action, ambition, and your drive to achieve goals.
    • Jupiter: Expansion, growth, and opportunities for personal development.
    • Saturn: Discipline, responsibility, and lessons to be learned in life.
    • Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto: These planets represent generational influences and transformations on a larger scale.
  5. The Houses: Your astrology chart is divided into 12 segments, known as houses, each associated with specific life areas. The planets in these houses and the signs they're in can provide insights into various aspects of your life, such as relationships, career, and personal growth.

  6. North Node (Rahu) and South Node (Ketu): These are points in your astrology chart related to your life's path and karmic lessons. The North Node represents your soul's growth and the direction you should move toward in this lifetime, while the South Node represents past life influences and tendencies you should work to transcend.

To gain a deeper understanding of your astrology personality, it's essential to consider all these components together within the context of your birth chart. Your unique combination of signs, planets, houses, and nodes creates a multifaceted and nuanced picture of your personality traits, life purpose, and potential challenges.

Exploring your birth chart with the guidance of a professional astrologer or using online astrology resources and software can help you uncover the intricacies of your astrological profile and how it relates to your life journey. Remember that astrology offers insights and guidance but is just one tool for self-discovery and personal growth, and individual interpretation plays a crucial role in understanding its implications for your life.

Take 16 Personalities Test

16 Personalities

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a widely-used personality assessment that categorizes individuals into one of 16 distinct personality types based on their preferences in four dichotomies:

  1. Extraversion (E) vs. Introversion (I): Determines how individuals gain energy and interact with the external world. Extraverts gain energy from social interactions and are outgoing, while introverts recharge through solitude and tend to be more reserved.

  2. Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N): Reflects how individuals gather information and perceive the world. Sensors rely on concrete data and details, focusing on the present, while intuitives are more abstract thinkers who consider possibilities and future implications.

  3. Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F): Examines how individuals make decisions and evaluate information. Thinkers prioritize logic and objective analysis, whereas feelers consider emotions and interpersonal harmony in their decision-making.

  4. Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P): Reflects how individuals approach planning and structure in their lives. Judgers prefer structure, organization, and closure, while perceivers are more adaptable, spontaneous, and open-ended in their approach.

Each of the 16 MBTI personality types is a combination of these four preferences. Here's a brief summary of each type:

  1. ISTJ - The Inspector: Detail-oriented, organized, and dependable.
  2. ISFJ - The Protector: Compassionate, loyal, and service-oriented.
  3. INFJ - The Counselor: Insightful, empathetic, and values-driven.
  4. INTJ - The Mastermind: Strategic, analytical, and visionary.
  5. ISTP - The Craftsman: Practical, hands-on, and adaptable.
  6. ISFP - The Composer: Artistic, spontaneous, and nurturing.
  7. INFP - The Healer: Idealistic, creative, and empathetic.
  8. INTP - The Architect: Logical, innovative, and independent.
  9. ESTP - The Dynamo: Energetic, action-oriented, and resourceful.
  10. ESFP - The Performer: Fun-loving, outgoing, and people-oriented.
  11. ENFP - The Champion: Enthusiastic, imaginative, and values-driven.
  12. ENTP - The Visionary: Innovative, quick-thinking, and resourceful.
  13. ESTJ - The Supervisor: Efficient, practical, and responsible.
  14. ESFJ - The Provider: Social, caring, and duty-driven.
  15. ENFJ - The Teacher: Charismatic, empathetic, and influential.
  16. ENTJ - The Commander: Decisive, strategic, and leadership-oriented.

It's important to note that while the MBTI can provide insights into personality preferences, it's a simplified model and not a comprehensive representation of an individual's personality. People can exhibit a range of behaviors and characteristics that may not align perfectly with their MBTI type, and individuals may evolve or adapt over time.


Exploring archetypes can be a fascinating way to discover and understand your personality. Archetypes are universal symbols, themes, or character types that have appeared in myths, stories, and cultures throughout history. They represent common human experiences and characteristics. Here's how you can use archetypes to discover your personality:

  1. Self-Reflection: Reflect on your own life experiences, behaviors, and tendencies. Consider moments when you felt most yourself or acted in a way that aligns with a particular archetype. Take notes on these reflections.

  2. Archetype Assessment:

  3. Identify Dominant Archetypes: Determine which archetypes seem to be most dominant or recurring in your life. These may be the ones that resonate with you on a deep level or the ones that consistently appear in your thoughts and actions.

  4. Understand the Shadow: In addition to your dominant archetypes, explore the shadow archetypes—the ones you may resist or deny. These often hold valuable insights into areas for personal growth.

  5. Create Your Archetypal Profile: Craft a profile that outlines your dominant archetypes, their qualities, and how they manifest in your life. Use this as a tool for self-understanding and personal development.

  6. Narrate Your Story: Write a narrative or personal story that incorporates your archetypal influences. Describe how these archetypes have played a role in shaping your life journey, values, and aspirations.

  7. Apply Your Insights: Use your newfound understanding of archetypes to make choices, set goals, and engage in activities that align with your dominant archetypes. This can help you lead a more authentic and fulfilling life.

  8. Continued Exploration: Keep exploring archetypes and how they evolve in your life. As you grow and change, your relationship with different archetypes may shift.

Remember that archetypes are a tool for self-discovery and personal growth, and they provide a framework for understanding the complex tapestry of your personality. Embrace the archetypes that resonate with you, and use them to deepen your understanding of yourself and your unique journey.

  1. The Hero: Courageous, determined, and driven by a sense of duty. They overcome challenges and obstacles to achieve great feats.

  2. The Sage: Wise, knowledgeable, and often a mentor or teacher. They seek truth and understanding through intellect and reflection.

  3. The Lover: Passionate, romantic, and driven by deep emotions and connections. They value intimacy and meaningful relationships.

  4. The Rebel: Non-conformist, independent, and prone to challenging the status quo. They seek freedom and self-expression.

  5. The Explorer: Adventurous, curious, and open to new experiences. They crave discovery and embrace the unknown.

  6. The Creator: Innovative, imaginative, and skilled in artistic or creative pursuits. They bring new ideas and beauty into the world.

  7. The Caregiver: Nurturing, compassionate, and dedicated to helping others. They provide support and care to those in need.

  8. The Jester: Playful, humorous, and lighthearted. They bring joy and laughter to others through wit and humor.

  9. The Magician: Transformational and skilled in manifesting change. They harness the power of the unseen and the mystical.

  10. The Ruler: Authoritative, responsible, and skilled in leadership. They establish order and structure in their domain.

  11. The Innocent: Pure-hearted, optimistic, and often seen as childlike. They seek simplicity, goodness, and purity.

  12. The Everyman: Relatable, down-to-earth, and often represents the common person. They navigate life's challenges with authenticity.

  13. The Orphan: Vulnerable, seeking belonging, and often facing adversity. They represent the human experience of longing for connection.

  14. The Destroyer: Catalysts for change, willing to let go of the old to make way for the new. They represent transformation and rebirth.

  15. The Outlaw: Defiant, challenging authority, and often associated with rebellion. They question societal norms.

  16. The Liberator: Freedom-loving, fighting for justice, and advocating for the rights of others. They seek to free themselves and others from oppression.

  17. The Explorer: A wanderer, driven by a desire for adventure and discovery. They embrace the unknown and the journey itself.

  18. The Nurturer: Caring and compassionate, they provide emotional support and care for others. They are often maternal or paternal figures.

  19. The Sage: A seeker of knowledge and wisdom, they value learning and self-discovery. They often guide and mentor others.

  20. The Ruler: Authoritative and responsible, they are leaders who establish order and structure. They may be monarchs or CEOs.

These are just a few examples, and there are many more archetypes with their own unique qualities and characteristics. Keep in mind that individuals can embody a combination of archetypes, and these archetypes can evolve over time as a person grows and changes.
