
Identify Self

Day 3 | Interests

Our skills determine what we can do to help ourselves and others. By examining our strengths and weaknesses, we can better understand how to achieve our goals and build our esteem.

What are My Skills?

What are my strengths and weaknesses?

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 What are my hobbies?

What do I enjoy doing?

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Ways to identify Skills

  1. Self-Reflection: Reflect on your experiences, both personal and professional. Consider tasks and activities that come naturally to you and bring you joy.

  2. Skill Inventories: Create a skill inventory or list. Identify both hard skills (technical skills) and soft skills (communication, leadership) that you believe you possess

  3. Feedback: Seek feedback from friends, family, colleagues, or mentors. Others may notice skills in you that you might overlook.

  4. Past Achievements: Review your past achievements and accomplishments. Identify the skills you utilized to succeed in those situations.

  5. Passions and Interests: Explore your hobbies, passions, and interests. Often, the skills you enjoy using in your personal life can translate to professional settings.

  6. Online Courses and Workshops: Take online courses or workshops to explore new areas and discover skills you may not have known you possessed.

  7. Job Descriptions: Look at job descriptions for roles you find interesting. Note the skills required, and assess whether you possess or can develop those skills.

  8. Networking: Engage in conversations with people in your industry or fields of interest. Discussing your experiences and goals can help uncover skills you may not have recognized.

  9. Strengths Assessment: Take a strengths assessment test, such as the Gallup StrengthsFinder or VIA Character Strengths, to identify your innate talents and abilities.

  10. Problem-Solving: Consider your approach to problem-solving. What methods or strategies do you naturally employ to overcome challenges?

  11. Volunteer Work: Volunteer for different projects or organizations. This can provide opportunities to discover and develop new skills in a real-world setting.

  12. Continuous Learning: Stay curious and open to learning. Attend workshops, read books, and engage in activities that expose you to new skills.

Remember that skills can be both technical and transferable, and they can evolve over time. The key is to be proactive in exploring and recognizing the unique set of skills you bring to various aspects of your life.

Ways to discover hobbies

Discovering and pursuing your top three important hobbies involves self-reflection, exploration, and commitment.

  1. Self-Reflection
    • Identify Your Passions: Take time to think about what activities genuinely excite and inspire you. Consider what you loved to do as a child or what makes you lose track of time when you're engaged in it.
    • Determine Your Values: Reflect on your core values and principles. Your hobbies should align with what matters most to you in life
    • Assess Your Goals: Consider your short-term and long-term goals. Hobbies can be both enjoyable and purposeful.

2. Explore Diverse Interests

    • Try New Activities: Don't limit yourself to what you already know. Experiment with various hobbies to discover which ones resonate with you. Attend workshops, classes, or group sessions related to different interests.
    • Meet People: Engage with individuals who are passionate about various hobbies. Join clubs, groups, or online communities centered around different activities to get a taste of what they entail.
    • Be Open-Minded: Be open to unexpected interests. Sometimes, your favorite hobbies might be things you've never considered.

3. Prioritize Your Top Three Hobbies:

    • Evaluate and Rank:After exploring different interests, evaluate which ones truly resonate with you. Rank these hobbies based on your passion and how well they align with your values and goals.
    • Assess Commitment: Consider the time, resources, and effort required for each hobby. Ensure that your top three hobbies are manageable and realistic to pursue simultaneously.
    • Plan and Schedule: Develop a schedule that allows you to engage in your chosen hobbies regularly. Allocate dedicated time for each activity.

4. Set Goals and Milestones

    • Define Objectives:Establish specific goals for each hobby. What do you want to achieve or improve in each area?
    • Create Milestones: Break down your goals into smaller, achievable milestones. Tracking your progress can be motivating.

5. Engage Actively

    • Immerse Yourself:Wholeheartedly engage in your chosen hobbies. Immerse yourself in the experiences and learning opportunities they provide
    • Stay Consistent: Maintain consistency in your engagement. Regular practice and participation are key to improvement and fulfillment.

6. Seek Support and Guidance

    • Learn and Grow:Continue to learn and develop your skills in your chosen hobbies. Seek out mentors, coaches, or teachers who can guide you.
    • Connect with a Community: Join hobby-related communities or forums. Sharing your interests with others can enhance your experience and provide a sense of belonging.

7. Enjoy the Journey

    • Embrace Challenges:Understand that every hobby comes with challenges. Embrace them as opportunities for growth and learning.
    • Find Joy: Your hobbies should bring you joy and satisfaction. If you find that a hobby no longer aligns with your interests, it's okay to reassess and make changes


“The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.”

— Robert Greene

"Find three hobbies you love: one to make you money, one to keep you in shape, and one to be creative."

— Anonymous 
