
Create Lifestyle

Day 16 | Habits

Analyze Your Everyday Actions

Create Routine

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Analyze Specific Habits

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Define Habit

        1. a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.


To build effective habits and routines, it's essential to engage in self-reflection and explore the following questions:

  1. What frequent habits are causing me problems or pushing me away from my goals?Identify behaviors that are counterproductive or detrimental to your objectives. Acknowledging these habits is the first step towards change.

  2. What habits are serving me well and pushing me towards my goals? Recognize the positive habits that contribute to your growth and progress. Understanding what works for you is equally important.

  3. How do I typically start my day, and does this routine align with my objectives?Assess morning routine to ensure it sets a positive tone for the day and supports your goals.

  4. Do I often feel rushed and stressed during my daily routines, and if so, why? Examine situations that lead to stress and rush in your daily life. Identifying the underlying causes can help you address and mitigate these issues.

  5. What recurring thoughts, words, and actions make up the core of my life, and are they helping or hindering my progress?Delve into the thoughts, words, and actions that dominate your life. Determine whether they propel you forward or act as obstacles to your growth.

  6. Am I easily influenced or swayed by the habits and routines of others?Reflect on the extent to which external influences affect your choices and habits. Awareness of this can empower you to make more autonomous decisions.

  7. Do I find myself consistently focusing on one area of my life at the expense of others? Explore whether you tend to prioritize one aspect of your life while neglecting others. Striking a balance among different life areas is crucial for overall well-being.

  8. Am I disciplined enough to resist engaging in activities that I know make me uncomfortable when they are presented or urged upon me? Assess your ability to maintain discipline and say no to activities or behaviors that don't align with your values or goals. Strengthening this discipline is essential for maintaining focus.

By engaging with these questions, you gain valuable insights into your existing habits, paving the way for personal growth. Identifying areas that need improvement allows you to replace old routines with new, beneficial ones. In this process, you can move closer to your goals and lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.


8 Dimensions of Wellness | Habits

Creating everyday habitual routines to fulfill all 8 dimensions of wellness involves intentionally incorporating activities that cater to each dimension. Here's a guide to help you establish balanced routines:


  1. Physical Wellness:

    • Include regular exercise or physical activity in your routine.
    • Prioritize adequate sleep and establish a consistent sleep schedule.
    • Plan nutritious meals and snacks to support your overall health.
  2. Emotional Wellness:

    • Practice mindfulness and meditation to manage stress.
    • Identify and express your emotions through journaling or self-reflection.
    • Cultivate positive relationships and surround yourself with supportive people.
  3. Social Wellness:

    • Schedule regular social interactions with friends, family, or community.
    • Engage in activities that promote social connections and a sense of belonging.
    • Volunteer or participate in group activities to foster community bonds.
  4. Intellectual Wellness:

    • Set aside time for learning and personal development.
    • Read books, articles, or engage in educational courses.
    • Challenge your mind through puzzles, games, or creative pursuits.
  5. Occupational Wellness:

    • Create a structured work routine with breaks for relaxation.
    • Set professional goals and milestones for career growth.
    • Find a balance between work and personal life to prevent burnout.
  6. Environmental Wellness:

    • Foster a clean and organized living and working space.
    • Spend time in nature or bring natural elements into your environment.
    • Reduce, reuse, and recycle to promote sustainability.
  7. Financial Wellness:

    • Establish a budget to manage finances effectively.
    • Save and invest for future goals.
    • Regularly review and adjust your financial plan based on priorities.
  8. Spiritual Wellness:

    • Incorporate spiritual practices into your daily routine, such as meditation or prayer.
    • Reflect on your values and purpose in life.
    • Engage in activities that bring a sense of meaning and connection.

By consciously integrating activities from each dimension into your daily life, you create a holistic approach to wellness. Regularly assess and adjust your routines to ensure they align with your evolving needs and priorities.
