

Day 2 | Food Values

Your values shape how you would go about achieving your goals.

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Identifying your food values is a crucial step in creating a personalized approach to your diet and nutrition. These values help you align your food choices with what matters most to you. Here are some considerations:

  1. Time: If time is your top value, prioritize quick and easy recipes or explore local food businesses that offer prepared meals. Efficiency in meal preparation becomes key.

  2. Budget: If sticking to a budget is your primary value, focus on shopping strategically, taking advantage of sales and budget-friendly food items. Meal planning becomes a tool for financial management.

  3. Health: Prioritizing health means choosing foods that nourish your body. Your meal plan should revolve around nutrient-dense options, fresh ingredients, and balanced meals.

  4. Sustainability: If environmental sustainability is a top concern, emphasize locally sourced, organic, and eco-friendly food choices. Consider reducing your carbon footprint through plant-based or sustainable protein options.

  5. Ethics: For those who value ethical considerations, opt for foods that align with your ethical beliefs, such as supporting fair trade, cruelty-free, or humane practices in food production.

  6. Taste and Enjoyment: If savoring flavors and enjoying your meals is essential, focus on recipes and ingredients that delight your palate. Experiment with diverse cuisines and culinary experiences.

  7. Convenience: Prioritizing convenience means seeking foods that require minimal effort to prepare. Pre-packaged or frozen meals, meal delivery services, or kitchen gadgets may be helpful.

  8. Variety: If you value variety in your diet, explore diverse cuisines, ingredients, and cooking methods to keep your meals interesting and enjoyable.

When determining your top values, consider ranking them in order of importance, as some values may take precedence in specific situations. For example, you might prioritize health and taste on regular days but switch to time-saving options during busy weeks.

When creating meal plans or shopping lists, ensure that your values take center stage, aligning your food choices with what matters most to you. This personalized approach to food values helps you make conscious and meaningful dietary decisions that reflect your unique preferences and priorities.


  • What is most important to me when I gather, purchase or prepare my food?
  • In what order do I apply my values?
