Master french

In Emotional - Self Awareness & Self Esteem, Environmental - Home, Social & Natural Environment, Esteem - Confidence, Strength, Recognition & Social Status, Goals, Intellectual - Hobbies, Skills & Education, Love - Belonging, Community & Relationships, Occupational - Personal Performance & Helping Others, Self-Actualization - Realizing Full Potential & Self Fulfillment, Social - Relationships, Spiritual - Meaning & Purpose by Fernanda Jimenez

← Back to Goals

Priority: High


Because I want to be able to communicate with people from other countries and cultures. Learning French is not the Finish lane!

Who, what, where and when?

My family will help me achieve this goal.
I will help my family, friends, and anyone a French speaker who might need help communicating in Spanish and English.
The Journey will bring knowledge, and the possibility to understand more people, not allowing the language to become a barrier.
The result will be that I master French and communicate with French speakers without difficulty.
I will fulfill this goal in the US.
I will dedicate around 30 minutes daily to studying French, every day.

look for Success =

I will keep incrementing the difficulty of my lessons each time and then I’ll review the past lessons to see and measure how far I’ve come.

Action Action

Step 1

How am I going to achieve my goals is by investing time every day in it, and increasing the difficulty of the lessons

Step 2

I will incrment the difficulty, for example I learn languages faster by watching shows I like in four different levels of difficulty.
Let’s say I want to learn French being a Spanish speaker:
1. Watch the movie in Spanish with French subtitles.
2. Watch the movie in French with Spanish subtitles.
3. Watch the movie in French with French subtitles.
4. Watch the movie in French with no subtitles.

Step 3

After I try all the difficulty levels, I’ll test my progress by watching a new show, with difficulty number 4.

This goal fulfills these tiers

Esteem – Confidence, Strength, Recognition & Social Status, Love – Belonging, Community & Relationships, Self-Actualization – Realizing Full Potential & Self Fulfillment

This goal fulfills these dimensions

Emotional – Self Awareness & Self Esteem, Environmental – Home, Social & Natural Environment, Intellectual – Hobbies, Skills & Education, Occupational – Personal Performance & Helping Others, Social – Relationships, Spiritual – Meaning & Purpose


Avatar Fernanda Jimenez
