Old Habit
unfulfilled and unproductive
Wanting to get work done without the kids around and distractions.
I stay up too late because I want to keep pushing.
Outside Influences
I have kids that I homeschool, and so therefor my work time during the day is very limited.
When I stay up late. the next day I feel too tired.
Entire Routine
It’s night time, we put the kids to bed and then I go to work. I stay up until midnight, having to wake up the next morning with the kids at 6am.
New Habit
Replacement Method
Replace action with something similar
New Action
I will carve out more dedicated time on the weekends, and scheduled quiet time each day to get a few hours of work in.
New Routine
Test Replacement Routines
Everyday at 1pm to 3pm will be quiet time where the kids pick an activity such as reading, painting, drawing, building, stretching, or listening to music on their headphones.
This habit fulfills these tiers
Esteem – Confidence, Strength, Recognition & Social Status, Self-Actualization – Realizing Full Potential & Self Fulfillment

This habit fulfills these dimensions
Intellectual – Hobbies, Skills & Education, Occupational – Personal Performance & Helping Others
Amanda Nicole Smith