Learn the numbers in French

In Goals, Intellectual - Hobbies, Skills & Education, Occupational - Personal Performance & Helping Others, Self-Actualization - Realizing Full Potential & Self Fulfillment by Fernanda Jimenez

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Priority: Low


Because it will help me reach another of my goals which is mastering French.

Who, what, where and when?

This journey will help my brain create more neural pathways so the terms I’ll be learning will sound more familiar to me.

look for Success =

I can measure my success by asking someone to test me, or maybe saying the numbers out loud by memory and seeing how hard it is.

Action Action

Step 1

Reading the numbers in French (To learn the grammar and also out loud to try to guess the pronunciation)

Step 2

Listening to the numbers in French. (Seeing how I can connect the pronunciation with each letter of the word so I can familiarize the alphabet as well.)

Step 3

I will say the numbers out loud and ask someone to verify that I am saying them correctly.

This goal fulfills these tiers

Self-Actualization – Realizing Full Potential & Self Fulfillment

This goal fulfills these dimensions

Intellectual – Hobbies, Skills & Education, Occupational – Personal Performance & Helping Others


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