Inspirational Books | Embodying ‘Conversations with God’ and ‘The Holographic Universe’

In Book Summary, Habits, Self-Actualization - Realizing Full Potential & Self Fulfillment, Spiritual - Meaning & Purpose by Amanda Nicole SmithLeave a Comment

The journey toward living a more intentional and conscious life began for me with two transformative books: The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot, a more scientific narrative and Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch a more spiritual narrative.

These books were given to me by people I really admire. They have inspired me to live with greater intention, excitement, hope, and a sense of freedom. The ideas these books offer have shaped my everyday life and the planning of my future, ultimately leading me to create a life that felt authentic and to the creation of Purified Lifestyle.

There are many other books that also support theories like these, such as The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield, The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer, and The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

The underlying theme of these books is that we can to an extent create our perception of our lives through our narrative—our thoughts, words, actions, and beliefs. By understanding and harnessing this power, we can transform our lives and achieve greater fulfillment.

It's also important to recognize the duality of this message. While we can shape our perception we cannot control life. Things happen beyond our control.

Nevertheless, the underlying ideas can inspire us to think more creatively about how we express and interpret our experiences. They remind us that reality is shaped by the stories we tell ourselves and others, even if the absolute truth remains elusive.

After reading these books, I thought, how can I incorporate these ideas into my daily life? It became clear that it was through journaling my habits, values, goals, routines, and actions. For practical inspiration on how to do this, see the suggestions at the end of this post.

First, let's dive into a summarization of each book.

The Holographic Universe


  • Holographic Nature of Reality: The book posits that the universe is a vast, interconnected hologram, where each part reflects the whole.
  • Interconnectedness: Everything in the universe is interconnected and interdependent, much like a hologram.
  • Consciousness and Perception: Suggests that reality as we perceive it is a projection of our consciousness. Our mind and brain create the reality we experience, similar to how a hologram works.
  • Scientific Basis: Draws on the work of physicists David Bohm and Karl Pribram, who suggested that the physical universe and consciousness are interconnected and that the universe itself may be a holographic structure.

Key Messages

  • Reality as an Illusion: What we perceive as reality is a construct created by our minds, influenced by deeper, underlying forces.
  • Healing and Potential: Explores the idea that understanding the holographic nature of reality can unlock human potential for healing and extraordinary abilities.
  • Mystical Experiences: Provides a scientific explanation for mystical and paranormal experiences, suggesting they are manifestations of the deeper holographic nature of reality.
  • Universal Interconnectedness: Stresses that at a fundamental level, everything is connected, and individual actions can have widespread effects.

Conversations with God


  • Spirituality vs. Organized Religion: Differentiates between personal spirituality and institutionalized religion, advocating for a personal spiritual connection.
  • Personal Relationship with God: Emphasizes that God is always accessible and that anyone can communicate directly with God.
  • Purpose and Individuality: Stresses the importance of understanding one’s purpose and embracing individuality.
  • Love vs. Fear: Describes fear as the root of many problems and love as the essential force in life.
  • Societal Structures: Discusses the application of spiritual principles to social, political, and economic structures.
  • Global Awareness: Encourages considering the interconnectedness of all life on Earth and the impact of individual actions on the global community.
  • Universal Truths and Advanced Spiritual Concepts: Explores deeper, universal spiritual truths and the nature of existence beyond Earth, including other dimensions and higher levels of consciousness.
  • Human Potential: Highlights the potential for humanity to evolve spiritually and create a more enlightened society.

Key Messages

  • Oneness with God: All beings are expressions of God, and there is no separation between humans and the divine.
  • Creation of Reality: Humans create their own reality through their thoughts, beliefs, and actions.
  • Relationships as Growth: Relationships are opportunities for growth and self-discovery, reflecting one’s relationship with the self and the divine.
  • Holistic Living: Advocates for living in harmony with the environment and other beings.
  • Empathy and Compassion: Stresses the importance of empathy and compassion in creating a better world.
  • Change and Transformation: Encourages embracing change and transformation as essential components of spiritual growth and societal evolution.
  • Expansion of Consciousness: Encourages expanding one’s consciousness to understand and integrate higher spiritual truths.
  • Interconnectedness: Reinforces the idea that all beings are interconnected and part of a larger, universal consciousness.
  • Purpose of Life: Suggests that the purpose of life is to experience and express divinity in myriad ways.

Common Themes

Now, when we bring together the ideas of science and spirituality, it becomes clear that, despite their different perspectives, both narratives aim to convey similar messages.

These books encourage embracing change and transformation as essential components of spiritual growth and societal evolution. They emphasize expanding one’s consciousness to understand and integrate higher spiritual truths. They reinforce the idea that all beings are interconnected and part of a larger, universal consciousness, suggesting that the purpose of life is to experience and express divinity in myriad ways.


  • Holographic Universe: The idea that every part of the universe is interconnected and each part reflects the whole.
  • Conversations with God: The concept that all beings are interconnected and expressions of a single divine entity.

Reality as a Construct:

  • Holographic Universe: Reality is a projection created by our consciousness, akin to a hologram.
  • Conversations with God: Humans create their own reality through their thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

Human Potential and Transformation

  • Holographic Universe: Understanding the holographic nature of reality can unlock extraordinary human potential and abilities.
  • Conversations with God: Emphasizes the potential for personal and societal transformation through spiritual growth and self-awareness.

Perception and Consciousness

  • Holographic Universe: Our perception shapes our reality; the brain functions as a holographic interpreter of sensory input.
  • Conversations with God: Reality is influenced by our consciousness and how we choose to perceive and interpret our experiences.

Mystical and Paranormal Experiences

  • Holographic Universe: Provides a framework for understanding mystical experiences as manifestations of the holographic nature of reality.
  • Conversations with God: Validates mystical experiences and personal communication with the divine as natural and accessible to everyone.

Embodying the messages in these books

Habits, Routines, and Actions

1. Daily Meditation: Spend 10-20 minutes each day in meditation, focusing on the interconnectedness of all things and visualizing your connection to the universe. Som say to visualize yourself surrounded by purple light.

2. Mindful Living: Practice mindfulness in your daily activities, paying close attention to your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Notice how they shape your reality.

3. Gratitude Journal: Write in your gratitude journal to reflect on the positive aspects of your life and the ways in which you feel connection.

4. Intentional Actions: Set daily intentions that align with your highest values and goals. You can capture these in your dashboard for easy reference. Reflect each evening on how well you lived up to these intentions.

5. Community Engagement: Engage in activities that foster a sense of community and interconnectedness, such as volunteering, participating in local events, or joining groups with shared interests.

6. Holistic Health Practices: Incorporate practices that promote holistic health, such as balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and time spent in nature, recognizing the mind-body-spirit connection.

7. Creative Expression: Engage in creative activities like writing, art, or music that allow you to express and explore your inner world and connect with your higher self.

8. Regular Reflection: Set aside time each week for deeper reflection on your life experiences, using journaling prompts to guide your thoughts.



Journaling Prompts

1. Understanding Interconnectedness: Describe a recent experience where you felt a strong connection to another person, nature, or the world around you. How did this experience change your perspective?

2. Reality as a Construct: Write about a situation where your thoughts or beliefs shaped your reality. How did changing your mindset alter the outcome?

3. Human Potential and Transformation: Reflect on a time when you surpassed your own expectations. What did you learn about your potential in that moment?

4. Perception and Consciousness: Think about a recent experience that felt ordinary. How might you perceive it differently if you viewed it through a lens of deeper meaning or spiritual significance?

5. Mystical and Paranormal Experiences: Have you ever had a mystical or unexplainable experience? Describe it in detail and reflect on what it might mean about the nature of reality.

By integrating these journaling prompts, habits, routines, and actions into your daily life, you can consciously understand yourself and embody the messages of interconnectedness, reality creation, and human potential. Join us in the Pure Lifestyle course to explore these concepts further and transform your life from the inside out.


The Holographic Universe and Conversations with God both explore profound themes about the nature of reality, consciousness, and interconnectedness. While one approaches these ideas from a scientific perspective and the other from a spiritual one, they converge on similar conclusions about the power of the mind, the illusionary nature of perceived reality, and the potential for transformative growth through deeper understanding. Together, they offer complementary insights into the nature of existence and the potential for human and spiritual evolution.

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